SSOVA Rules/Prizes
Registration Fee's:
1. Adult's Open: $150
2. All other Adult divisions: $80
3. Juniors: $100 (1 day events) $200 (2 day events)
Registration/Refund Policy:
1. Registration is not confirmed until payment is made. If you are not paid you are not registered!
Deadline is Thursday at 3 pm for Adults Open Level. Friday at 3pm for all other Men's & Women's. Saturday 3pm for Coed's & Junior's 1 day events.
2. Refunds are only available up until your registration deadline. Friday at 12pm noon (Thursday 3pm adults open). If you need to cancel/refund you must email us: All other forms of communication are not accepted. (View Rain/Weather Policy Below)
3. Incorrect points must be corrected the Tuesday prior to the event.
4. All adult players require an active Silver AVP membership. $35/player. All memberships are valid for 365 days from date of purchase. Membership fees will be used to fund $70,000+ Grand Prix for sand, grass & juniors, National Ranking System, National Championships and insurance coverage.
5. Juniors divisions must have an active AVP America membership. USAV membership is encouraged but not required. This will allow juniors to receive bids for both AVP & USAV for most SSOVA events. USAV also requires all staff be background checked and Safe Sport Certified. We can only award bids if EVERYONE in your division has the memberships.
6. Junior Bid requirements AVP: 5 team minimum 1st & 2nd get bids in the OPEN division and Gold brackets. USAV America Division Bid: 3 team minimum with 1st, 2nd & 3rd receiving bids in Open division and Gold brackets.
Check In/Late Policy:
1. Open check in is Saturday 7:30am-8:00am with play starting at 8:30am.
2. Juniors check in Sunday from 7:30am-8:00am with play starting at 8:30am.
3. All other Women's & Men's divisions check in Saturday 8:00am-8:30am with play starting at 9am.
4. Coed check in Sunday 8:00am-8:30am with play starting at 9:00am.
5. If you are running late please call during your check in window(727-380-1168). If you have not contacted us by at least 15 minutes before start of first games you will be dropped from the tournament.You will not be refunded. If you are late you are subject to point penalties: For your first game you will lose 1 point per minute late. After initial games after the ref has called for the game to start the same penalties will go into effect: 1 point loss per minute. It is the refs responsibility to enforce penalties.
6. Please check ranking and your teams points for accuracy the day before the event when pools are posted on Once the tournament has started everything is locked in and there will be no changes. Changes must be submitted by 10am on Friday.
7. Bring your reusable water bottle. SSOVA provides clean filtered water to cut down on plastic waste and ensure hydration.
Ball & Tournament Play:
1. We follow the FIVB rules for ball play. Except the new net rule. If you touch the net you loose the point.
2. We follow AVP rules for tournament play: AVP Coaching Rules, AVP Rule Book.
3. We have a house rule that you are allowed one dropped serve.
4.Teams will generally be given a ten minute warm-up session. Other warm-up time frames may be instituted as necessary. If a team is not ready after 10 minutes point deductions will start for that team at 1 point per minute up until 21 minutes has passed, then it is considered a forfeit.
5. Tournament Directors have the full right to change the event or play during the event.
6. Players are responsible for reporting their scores into volleyballlife after each match in pool play & playoffs. Make sure you have a volleyball life account under the same email you signed up with.
7. If you lose in playoffs you must stay and ref the next playoff game.
8. All Juniors make it out of pool play into playoffs.
9. Coaching Rules: Coaches must check-in. Coaches can coach when the ball is dead. They must be on the same side of their players with in 5ft of the line. They cannot delay the game or interfere with calls.
If you have played Open you have to play at least AA level. An Open player is not allowed in A or lower.
If you have won a division 2 or more times in the last 365 days you must play the next level up. Example: If you win A twice you must now play AA.
Tournament directors have the right to move you based on your skill level & past history.
Injuries do not mean you can play at a lower level.
Anything outside of these rules must be approved by the director.
Rain/Weather Policy
Our rain policy is that we will still have the tournament regardless of rain. So there are no refunds based on rain. During the event, if there is consistent Lightning or WE decide it is an unsafe environment is the only time we will cancel the event. If we do cancel an event on Saturday, it will be played on Sunday. If we cancel on Sunday, it will be moved to the next available tournament. If you decide not to attend the make up date, there will be no refund. If we cannot move the event we consider giving each team a credit- credit value will depend on how much play happened. We thank you and appreciate your support.
Open Prizes Men's & Women's:
-$100 in the pot per team.
- 1st 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd(2) 10%. Plus swag.
-Example: 10 teams= $1,000 in the pot. $500 1st, 2nd $300, 3rd $100 (x2)
-Example: 15 teams= $1,500 in the pot. $750 1st, 2nd $450, 3rd $150 (x2)
-Example: 20 teams= $2,000 in the pot. $1,000 1st, 2nd $600, 3rd $200 (x2)
-Example: 25 teams= $2,500 in the pot. $1,250 1st, 2nd $750, 3rd $250 (x2)
-Example: 30 teams= $3,000 in the pot. $1,500 1st, 2nd $900, 3rd $300 (x2)
We now have dedicated Staff for Open Players!
This way we ensure the event is running smoothly and you are taken care of.
AAA/AA: 1st place: Medals & Optx balls- 3 team minimum.
(16+ teams $200 instead of balls)
(& adults divisions 20+)
2nd place: Medals & SSOVA or AVP Swag (apparel)
3rd place: Medals
A/BB: 1st/2nd Place: Medals & SSOVA or AVP Swag (apparel)
3rd Place: Medals
Juniors: 1st place (16u & 18u Gold): Medals & Optx Balls- 3 team minimum.
1st Place (12u & 14u): Medals & SSOVA or AVP Swag
2nd Place: Medals & SSOVA or AVP Swag (apparel)
3rd place: Medals