2024 SSOVA Schedule
Saturday:Men's/Women's Open Check In 7:30-8:00am Play at 8:30am
Men's/Women's AAA-B: Check In 8-8:30am Play at 9:00am
Sunday: Juniors Check in 7:30-8:00am Play at 8:30am
COED Adults Check In 8:00-8:30am Play at 9:00am
To Register: Click Register Now
Registration Deadline is Thursday at 3pm for Adults Open Level and
Friday at 12pm (noon) for Men's & Women's. Saturday at 3pm for Coed's & Junior's.

SSOVA is the first organization to be DUAL AFFILIATED WITH
What does this mean for the players?
Every SSOVA event is a Qualifier for the AVP & USAV:
AVP Nationals (1 Star): Dec ’20 - June ‘21
East & West Coast Championships Qualifier (1 Star): June ’21 – Nov ‘21
Bids awarded to
1st and 2nd (5 Team minimum)
Girls 18, 16, 14, 12 and for Boys 18, 16, 14
USAV BRQ (Beach Regional Qualifier)
Bids awarded to:
1st, 2nd, 3rd in Gold Divisions.
Do I need both memberships for AVP America & USAV?
What else are the benefits of Dual Affiliation?
With USAV the players can create a path to go to the Olympics.
Safety: All SSOVA employees have passed a background check and have completed the SafeSport Certification.